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DSS REST API Delect Instrument from a InstrumentList

In DSS REST API Tree, there's no example about how to delete a Instrument from a Instrument List by 'InstrumentListItemKeys' so can you share the sample REST call to delete dummy item key , 'VjF8MHgwOGY3NTQyZTA1ODlmMmU2fDI'?

'0x08f7542e0589f2e6', dummy IL.

Two attempts below but failed.

  1. POST /RestApi/v1/Extractions/InstrumentLists('0x08f7542e0589f2e6')/DataScope.Select.Api.Extractions.InstrumentListDeleteItemsById('VjF8MHgwOGY3NTQyZTA1ODlmMmU2fDI'), with error '{"error":{"code":"45c6ed8d-2484-48be-9a8b-8f0b277e8b11","message":"The request URI is not valid. The segment 'DataScope.Select.Api.Extractions.InstrumentListDeleteItemsById' cannot include key predicates, however it may end with empty parenthesis."}}'
  2. POST /RestApi/v1/Extractions/InstrumentLists('0x08f7542e0589f2e6')/DataScope.Select.Api.Extractions.InstrumentListDeleteItemsById HTTP/1.1

    with body

    {"InstrumentListItemKeys":"VjF8MHgwOGY3NTQyZTA1ODlmMmU2fDI"}, with error '{"error":{"message":"Invalid request parameter InstrumentListItemKeys"}}'


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Hi @Tony.Zhu_R

POST { {BaseURL}}/Extractions/InstrumentLists('{ {ListId}}')/DataScope.Select.Api.Extractions.InstrumentListDeleteItemsById

requestBody example:

    "InstrumentListItemKeys": [

Response should be 204 'No Content'

Best regards,


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