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How can I print an Workspace QuoteApp Window from workspace Excel VBA

Hello I'm using workspace , could you please tell me how i can open a print quote from refinitiv workspace VBA ? I used "reuters://REALTIME/verb=FullQuote/ric= on refinitiv EIKON excel , but with Workspace excel , it doesn't work

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Hi @mohamed.fakhfakh , Have you tried the following?



You can add formulas in cells with the VBA ".Formula" function.

1718267829613.png (75.8 KiB)
1718267863497.png (152.4 KiB)
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I need to know how open WORKSPACE excel trough Excel VBA

with "reuters://REALTIME/verb=FullQuote/ric= i can open eikon refiniv excel , but i want to open Workspace excel

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I want to copy paste a full quote page from workspace to workspace Excel like this with Excel VBA Quote 1.PNGQuote 2.PNG

quote-1.png (22.5 KiB)
quote-2.png (62.3 KiB)
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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.