When using Workspace Python API (under Windows 10) and requesting data for some company investors, data are returned for institutional investors, but not for some other investors.
For example, the command:
df=dl.get_data('48471668160', ['TR.OrganizationID','TR.CommonName', '(TR.InvestorSharesHeld/1000000-TR.InvtrPrevSharesHeld)/TR.InvtrPrevSharesHeld', 'TR.SecurityOwnedName', 'TR.SecurityOwnedRIC', 'TR.InvestorValueHeld', 'TR.InvestorValueHeld.currency', 'TR.InvestorSharesHeld/1000000', 'TR.InvtrPrevSharesHeld'], parameters={'Scale':6,'NULL':'Blank','Curn':'NATIVE'})
produces error
RDError: Error code -1 | Unable to resolve all requested identifiers in ['48471668160'].
for '48471668160' (Bettencourt Meyers Family), but the same command works fine for '4297651992' (The Vanguard Group, Inc.) or '4295890634' (Nestle SA).
How can one use the get_data command to retrieve the required data for all investor types?