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Hi, I'm trying to run VBA code written by someone else, in Excel. I have the Workspace Add In running, and logged in. When I run the VBA code, I get this error message:


This dll indeed does not exist in the path indicated in the error window. I thought it might be elsewhere, but I cannot find it in my PC. I looked in the folders that were created with the Excel Add Ins when I installed them, i.e.: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Thomson Reuters\Eikon\Y" and "C:\Program Files (x86)\Thomson Reuters\Eikon\Z". In there, there are several dlls that were used in the VBA code, e.g.: "RhistoryAPI.dll"; but the PLVApi.Dll is nowhere to be seen... Can I download it anywhere?

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

I can find this file on my machine. This file is for Eikon, not Workspace. Therefore, you can't use it when running Workspace.

Please contact the helpdesk team via MyAccount to verify what the problem is.

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