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Same Price going to 2 different StreamId

We had an issue where the price going to one instrument was also being updated on a different RIC1 and RIC2. On the adh side, I did a dump on the ADH for the incoming messages from the route connection from the source application. After using the dbgLonMon and decoding the data from Hex to dec and dump the service to file to get the streamId, I found that the same price was being updated on 2 different streamId. A consumer was also connected directly to the Source application, and did not see the same price being sent to 2 RIC1 and RIC2. So this looks like when it hits the ADH, the price is being send to 2 different streamId on the ADH. Is this suppose to be the normal behaviour? If not is this a RTDS issue that I need to fix or the source application will the source application (using RFA 8.x) need to address this behaviour. Also when I do a re-subscription on RIC1 that was effected, it will consume the correct price, but if RIC2 is updated, RIC1 will get the RIC2's price.

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@Mark Yip

Thank you for reaching out to us.

According to the problem description, it is not a normal behavior.

Each stream is unique for each RIC. For example, the update of stream#5 (RIC1) should not appear on the stream#6 (RIC2) so it could be the problem on the RFA API or the application side.

Please check the version of RFA API used by the application. If the application uses the old version, please consider upggrading it to use the latest version to avoid all known issues. You can download the RFA API from the Software Download. It is in the MDS - API product family.

If the issue still persists with the latest version of RFA, please contact the API support team directly via Contact Premium Support. However, you need to be a RDC (Refinitiv Developer Connect) named user to contact the API support team.

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Thanks you for you response. Is there further documentation to explain how the streamId are first created/initialised?

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@Mark Yip

If I remember correctly, RFA manges the stream IDs under the hood. The application will use the request token to send data for each item.


Please refer to the RFA Developers Guide for more information.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.