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host='', port=443 Error

Hello Team

I am getting this error, could you please help on the same-

requests.exceptions.ProxyError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /RestApi/v1/Authentication/RequestToken (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response')))

Thank you,

Trisha Gehlot

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Hello @trisha.gehlot,

The error indicates that your Python app is unable to reach the DSS servers. If you are in a corporate network, behind a proxy/firewall, you should enable the proxy parameters for the Python requests module or use a different network with direct route to internet for requesting data.

You can try to use this environment variable:

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Hello @Gurpreet, Thank you for your response!!

But extraction happens for most of the data -

INFO Extraction verification successful for 20-08-2024

INFO Processing Chunk No.1155 with len:500 Instrument Range VOD070P28.L<-->NWG22000A27.L

INFO Response code when attempting to retrieve token from DataScope: 200

INFO value retrieved successfully.

INFO Request URL

INFO DataScope Extraction was Successful.

INFO Contents retrieved successfully.

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It is strange that the connection fails only some of the time. The INFO messages are being generated by your application and not DSS. Can you check in the application code and maybe enable network traces to see what is happening. Are there multiple proxy servers in your network. It might help to get your network administrators involved as well.

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Thank you @Gurpreet !!

Now getting this error -

Aug23 00:00:12.804BST 5196 ERROR Extraction verification failed for 22-08-2024 with 1 error messages for notes - Extraction Services Version (46312ac592f6), Built Jul 17 2024 14:28:02

Processing started at 22-08-2024 23:59:58.

User ID: 9023580

Extraction ID: 2000000773330460

Correlation ID: CiD/9023580/AAAAAA.090eca62b3da30a2/RA

Schedule: 0x090eca62b3ea30a2 (ID = 0x0000000000000000)

Input List (500 items): (ID = 0x090eca62b3ea30a2) Created: 22-08-2024 23:59:58 Last Modified: 22-08-2024 23:59:58

Report Template (34 fields): _OnD_0x090eca62b3ea30a2 (ID = 0x090eca62b3fa30a2) Created: 22-08-2024 23:59:56 Last Modified: 22-08-2024 23:59:56

Schedule dispatched via message queue (0x090eca62b3ea30a2)

Schedule Time: 22-08-2024 23:59:58

Timeseries Date Range: 21-08-2024 to 21-08-2024

Processing completed successfully at 23-08-2024 00:00:03, taking 4.377 Secs.

Extraction finished at 22-08-2024 23:00:03 UTC, with servers: xc42st7bQ05, ETS (2.5 secs), QSDHA1 (0.0 secs), QSHC07 (0.7 secs)

Usage Summary for User 9023580, Client 110256, Template Type Price History

Base Usage

Instrument Instrument Terms Price

Count Type Subtype Source Source

------- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------- -------------- ----------------------------------------

500 Derivatives N/A N/A


500 Total instruments charged.

0 Instruments with no reported data.


500 Instruments in the input list.

No Evaluated Pricing Service complex usage to report -- 500 Instruments in the input list had no reported data.

Could you please help on the same.

icon clock
10 |1500

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

15.3k 32 5 10

Hi @trisha.gehlot ,

Are there any error messages in the extraction note?

icon clock
10 |1500

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.