

JP Morgan Query - Please confirm on why ADD action(OMMMapEntry.Action.ADD) was being published.

Would you please assist on query from JP Morgan.

A user query for 3436.T and 1678.T RIC's.

User has received unexpected update status on the following MBP keys.
1. MBP Keys: 20300000A
MBP record details:
MBPRecord(action=2, price=2030.0, qty=4100, side=ASK, time=1725239958257, localTime=10:19:18.257, localDate=2024-09-02, indicator= , numOrders=2)

2. MBP Keys: 3798000A
MBP record details:
MBPRecord(action=2, price=379.8, qty=1100, side=ASK, time=1725240603488, localTime=10:30:03.488, localDate=2024-09-02, indicator= , numOrders=5)

Application is expecting the update to be an UPDATE instead of ADD.
Please confirm on why ADD action(OMMMapEntry.Action.ADD) was being published.
Additionally, may you help to extract earlier updates on the same key, so we may compare on earlier record data and confirm if we have missed any DELETE action.

(Case 13872658)

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

We can't confirm the content published by the data feed.

Please contact the content support team directly via MyAccount to verify the published data. Moreover, the content team can extract historical data from LSEG Tick History to check the data.

I can provide the definition of the ADD action in the API.


1725262629914.png (32.4 KiB)
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