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Access Denied: already using position - Unable to Re-login with Dacs User from Different IP (No simultaneous logins)


We are using the RFA 8.2 C++ API to consume market data and open dacs version dacs7.8.0.F1. I have a DACS user, "DacsUser1." I successfully logged in with this user from the IP address, then logged out. However, when I try to log in again with "DacsUser1" from a different IP address, for example,, it does not allow me to log in and displays the message: "Status Text: Access Denied: already using position"

Here are the steps:

  1. Logged in as DacsUser1 using IP
  2. Logged out.
  3. Attempted to login DacsUser1 using IP

Note: I am not attempting to log in simultaneously with the same DacsUser1 account.


What is the difference between these -> Access Points, Mount points and Allowed Simultaneous Login params in DACs?

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

I could not replicate this issue. I can login properly after the first session logged out.


You have mentioned that you are using RFA.

Did the RFA application use "DacsUser1" to connect to ADS? You may logout from OpenDACS API, but not from RFA API.

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