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Adding more secondary or custom fields will narrow down the search?

I understand that we can screen an organization using only "Name" and "Country". But, by adding more secondary and custom fields, will it narrow down my search and results in less screening results such as more "Exact" and less "Weak" , "Medium" matching strengths? Please clarify.

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Hi @baskaran.subramanian,

more the search filter less will be the screening results.As the search engine searches with more categories it will result in less screening results.

Hope this helps



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Hi, I was trying to use a custom field to refine my search but do not see that it's using it in the search. I added -BUSINESS REGISTRATION NUMBER and was trying to test it. I searched for singapore airlines with "197200078R" as business registration number but it still shows two results. Could you please suggest what I could be doing wrong here. Thanks.

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