How to create a case and then check if the cases exists
Hi, I'm using WorldCheck (WC1) to check for sanctions a company may have, The way I would like to do is to 1) create case, and then 2) using that case id check the company sanctions (if any). I can do this using the code WC1 has assigned to the company but have had no luck using the "case" concept. Would someone kindly…
[Urgent]Update a case rating error:401
Hi Lseg: Please let me know is there something I miss? I try to update case rate but it's show me 401 error,I follow the sample code and template document. Request header like follow: Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2025 03:21:21 GMT Content-Length: 0 Connection: keep-alive Authorization: WWW-Authenticate: Signature realm="World-Check…
WC1 v3 Missing API endpoints
I was going through the WOrld Check One API v3 Postman Schema and noticed that some of the API endpoints that I available in V2 are not available in v3? For example: the endpoint to Update Case Rating is available in v2 but not in v3. Is V3 not yet ready or are those endpoinds missing for a reason?
Default TimeZone
What is the default timezone for all timestamps of World Check One API v2 and v3?
410 Gone - Will they ever come back?
Using the WC1 screening process, we create cases with results. When we use existing case Ids, sometimes the results get "dropped off" and we get an API response of 410 (Gone). We are looking to no longer make the API requests for results that have been deemed Gone, but want to make sure they will not come back? Example: I…
WC1 API python query
In the new WC1 API v3, I can see schema guidance on making calls using python requests. Is there any sample code to complete the authentication/authorization steps using python requests?
What is the limit/threshold of case creation and ongoing screening in case of pilot environment?
What is the limit/threshold of case creation, async screening and ongoing screening in case of pilot environment?
How can I build automatic emails from Salesforce when a Screening Case requires action
A few customers have asked recently on the best way to configure Salesforce so that it can send emails to a user/queue/distribution list when there are cases that have matches requiring review.
INVALID_MESSAGE_FIELD_FORMAT lowercase providerTypes
For my ZFS POST /screening/v3/cases request, I get the following response: {"id":"424af957-2110-48de-81d2-84f1e679a15f","status":"400","errors":[{"code":"INVALID_MESSAGE_FIELD_FORMAT","message":"Message field '.providerTypes[0]' has an invalid value.","error":null}]} The request includes: "providerTypes":["watchlist"] I…
Missing www-authenticate header when receiving 401 responses.
Hello, As per section 4.1 of RFC-7235, when an HTTP server returns a 401 response, it must also return a WWW-Authenticate header : A server generating a 401 (Unauthorized) response MUST send a WWW-Authenticate header field containing at least one challenge. However, when the refinitiv server returns 401, it returns the…
world check one v3 technical document
hi, From where we can download the world check one v3 technical document? we attained a webinar on 30th September 2024 on V3. Thanks, Urmimala Ghosh
How can I extract all cases with a HIT?
How can I extract all cases with a HIT?
How to define and use custom fields to reduce false positives
The usage of secondary fields does not reduce the matches in our case. Can we define custom fields for e.g. address data to reduce the matches?
Is it possible to download the PDF file of the match details report?
Hi, I need to be able to download the PDF document of the match details report (different to the case level report). Is there an API available to support this?
World Check One API : JAVA Program for GET request to /v2/groups: 401 Unauthorized Error
Hi All, We are trying to call the WorldCheckOne API from the SAP, where we need to convert the XML to JSON and post the data to WorldCheckOne API. For which, I have written a program to make a GET request to /v2/groups , I am getting HTTP 401 error. Not exactly sure what is causing the error, could you please check and let…