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How to find China inflation data ?

I am trying to find inflation data for China. Where can I do a code look up ?

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In order to find preferred instrument please Access Navigator via Eikon DFO / Datastream or via the Datastream Navigator search tool available here: DSWS credentials (Datastream child ID and password) are required.

In search window paste the key word(s) "China inflation" and by using Refine Search on the left hand side you can filter down the instrument to your liking (by category, market, frequency, source, etc.).

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Thank you. What is Eikon "DFO" ?

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Thank you for your question.

Eikon DFO is Eikon with Datastream for Office (DFO). It enables you to have access, within Eikon, to Datastream charting tools and analytics. For more information please contact your ThomsonReuters account manger.

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