Historical exchange data extraction
Hello, For a project I would like to extract monthly data. What I need is for each month historically to extract which stocks were in a specific exchange. For example: the names of all the stocks that where in the euronext Paris exchange in the month of march 2008. (all those that were active at that time, also those that…
Datastream API with visual studio code
I'm trying to set up the Datastream API with visual studio code. But keep getting the following error message - see attached. Please help! ds = dsweb.DataClient (None, '', '') ---------------------------------------------------------------------------FileNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last)Cell In[2], line…
How to access Datastream Data Field search navigator for QA users
Hi, As a QA user, one of our clients is accessing DSWS data. However, he needs some sort of data field dictionary/definition reference. Please advise where and how QA users can look up Datastream data field definition, e.g. i advised user to log into but this requires Datastream User ID and password but as a QA user, the…
Difference between Eikon and DSWS - Target Mean price
Hi, I've just noticed that for BHP and RIO, the Target Mean Price returned by both DSWS and Eikon are vastly different. Other stocks we've checked are the same. (Eikon - TR.PriceTargetMean, DSWS - PTMN). Screenshot with yellow shows the data returned by Eikon. Why is there such a big difference?
Data for Delisting companies
Hi everybody! I am currently engaged in a project that involves analyzing companies in the United States that have been delisted or are on the verge of delisting. The objective is to compute the "delisting return," which necessitates understanding the specific reasons behind each company's delisting. To identify these…
Obtain 'On Balance Volume' from DataStream Python API -- it's expression '058E'
Hello, We currently obtain the 'On Balance Volume' using expression '058E' in the Excel plug-in. We would prefer to collect this data using the DataStream Python API. However, I cannot work out how to write the request. Using '058E' as the 'field' doesn't work: it fails with an error message. I've also tried using the…
datastream API, relating to stock index.
using datastream API, how to get constituents of a stock index list, and then get the financial indicators of the stocks achieved. for example, get the main financial indicators of the companies listed in S&P 500
Obtain list of all equity indices in a country
Hello, I'm working with Datastream and Eikon. I noticed that on the Datastream navigator we can get access to a list of equity indices for individual countries ("markets" as per the Datastream Navigator terminology)--see attached screenshot for reference.Capture.PNG To avoid manual work, I would like to use Python and my…
Unmatched financial statements reference dates with date index and EPS Report Date?
I am analysing Apple financial statements and noticed that the displayed date does not match with the reference date, the stock's fiscal year ends in September. aapl = ds.get_data(tickers = 'US0378331005', fields = ['WC01001A', "WC05901", "WC05902", "WC05903", "WC05904", 'W05350A'], start = '2020-12-31', kind=1, freq =…
Failed return when pass the parameters to get_data
Hello, I'm new to the TR API and have been using Python to perform API queries. My script has been running smoothly for about two years. However, when I attempted to run it this week, I encountered various errors. After reviewing the code in my backup (codebk), it appears that the function get_data([list], 'Instrument')…
I'm attaching a screenshot but also here's the full details of the issue as well: We're using the DSWS REST API. While trying to troubleshoot in case it was some of our code causing the issue, we tried multiple alternatives. We tried the Python package https://github.com/datastreamapi/DatastreamPy as mentioned on…
Datastream API - how to get all codes under main code, Example - ITDM
For main code(chain ITDM) on data stream, i need to get the list of all codes under this. how can i check . i dont see options on https://product.datastream.com/DswsClient/Docs/TestRestV1.aspx ITDM has below codes and i need to retrieve via data stream API for automation…
importing end of the month date vs 1989-01-15 in python
ds.get_data(tickers ='USCNFBUSQ', start = '1989-01-31', freq = 'M') does not pull in end of the month date. it pulls in 1989-01-15. How do I make it to import end of the month date?
How to use organisation perm_id to find their co2 emission equivalents total on excel?
Dear Sir/Madam, I have a list of organisation perm_id (about 3000companies), is it possible to use them to find their co2 equivalents emission data on excel Datastream? If it is possible, could you please provide some guidance for showing how to do it as i have tried lots of time it always shows error on my worksheet. Many…
Import csv list of DSCodes in DSWS API
Hi, I'm trying to run DSWS request using a list of dscodes from a csv vile, but the code I'm using adds "[]" before and after the list, it's returning error. Here's my code instruments= [] with open('DSCD list1.csv') as csvDataFile: csvReader = csv.reader(csvDataFile) for row in csvReader: for ticker in row:…