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Is keystore for TRCC valid forever?

We are using Thomson Reuters Contribution Channel and created keystore a year ago. We are wondering if this keystore is valid forever? if not, is there instructions to create a new one?

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Hi, the keystore is a Java concept, and it should be valid as long as the certificate that has been imported into it, are valid.

In case you need to create a new one, please see the Run section in this tutorial, and also read this article about Java keystores.

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Hi, How can we generate a certificate? Can you describe a bit more detail? How can I check whether the certificate is valid or not?

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Hi, How can we generate a certificate? Can you describe a bit more detail? How can I check whether the certificate is valid or not?

23.7k 61 15 21

It is the third party server certificate that is imported into the keystore file. Please read the linked article to understand the certificate expiry etc.

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