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Point and Chain RICs

Hi Refinitiv Support,

I would like to be able to get individual Rics from chain RIC and also be able to get instrument description from a RIC.

The question is which API should I use?

Does the DataScope select API or other REST API supports this or is there a web UI I can use? Please advise.



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Hi @josa

Please advise what Refintiv services/products you already have access to if any.

Also, when you say instrument description - is the content of the DSPLY_NAME field sufficient or do you require something more verbose perhaps?

The answers to the above will help guide your possible choices

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Thanks @Umer_Nalla. I currently have access to EMA API. Yes, DISPLY_NAME would be enough and am sure I can get it via teh API.

Please advise.



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Hi @josa

Apologies but some of the forum emails were being marked as spam by my Outlook and I just saw your follow up question.

Yes, you can use EMA APIs to consume Chains and their constituents.

You may find this article helpful -

Whilst it is Java-based, the techniques described will work just as well with EMA C++

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Thanks @Umer_Nalla. I will check and get back if I run into any issues.

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