I've a problem following the UPA ValueAdd package example of consumer's rdmLoginMsgCallback() implementation. This is what written in the example:
@Override public int rdmLoginMsgCallback(RDMLoginMsgEvent event) { ChannelInfo chnlInfo = (ChannelInfo)event.reactorChannel().userSpecObj(); LoginMsgType msgType = event.rdmLoginMsg().rdmMsgType(); switch (msgType) { case REFRESH: System.out.println("Received Login Refresh for Username: " + ((LoginRefresh)event.rdmLoginMsg()).userName()); System.out.println(event.rdmLoginMsg().toString()); // save loginRefresh ((LoginRefresh)event.rdmLoginMsg()).copy(chnlInfo.loginRefresh); // set login stream id in MarketPriceHandler and YieldCurveHandler chnlInfo.marketPriceHandler.loginStreamId(event.rdmLoginMsg().streamId()); chnlInfo.yieldCurveHandler.loginStreamId(event.rdmLoginMsg().streamId()); break; case STATUS: LoginStatus loginStatus = (LoginStatus)event.rdmLoginMsg(); System.out.println("Received Login StatusMsg"); if (loginStatus.checkHasState()) { System.out.println(" " + loginStatus.state()); } break; default: System.out.println("Received Unhandled Login Msg Type: " + msgType); break; } return ReactorCallbackReturnCodes.SUCCESS; }
Unfortunately, this implementation causes infinite login retry attempts at a very rapid rate (i.e. no pause during each retry even we set reconnectMinDelay / reconnectMaxDelay both to 10000 ms) .
My question is, what is the proper way to implement this method if we want the consumer to not retrying login when received Login StatusMsg?
I had tried modifying the code to return ReactorCallbackReturnCodes.FAILURE in that case and it seems to work pretty well but not sure if that's a correct approach.