... call.
Hi Team,
We need to consume refinitiv's Corporate Actions ISO report api call and require json request structure for making this call. Also, please provide the details of what will be the output format/structure of this call. Example: Currently we are consuming refinitiv eod price api call using below request structure:
"User Defined Identifier",
"Universal Ask Price",
"Universal Bid Ask Date",
"Universal Bid Price",
"Universal Close Price",
"Universal Close Price Date",
"Accrued Interest",
"Alternate Close Grade",
"Alternate Close Price",
"Ask Clean Price",
"Ask Dirty Price",
"Ask Price",
"Asset Status",
"Asset Status Description",
"Base Currency Code",
"Bid Clean Price",
"Bid Dirty Price",
"Bid Price",
"Close Price",
"Close Price Timestamp",
"Close Price Timestamp Grade",
"Currency Code",
"Currency Code Description",
"Currency Code Scaled",
"Currency Code Scaled Description",
"Exchange Code",
"Exchange Description"
Can you please help us provide similar request structure of Corporate Actions ISO report call?
Thanks and Regards,
Abhishek Joshi