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23 0 3 4

Received invalid 'digits' argument when using EIKON API R to pull data

Was using the Eikon API R to run a loop to pull data for various securities. When I returned to my computer and RStudio, I received this error:

Error in print.default("HTTP Error, code= ", response$status_code, sep = "") : 
  invalid 'digits' argument

Was unsure what was the problem as it was abrupt. Here is the traceback:

Error in print.default("HTTP Error, code= ", response$status_code, sep = "") : 
  invalid 'digits' argument 
6.  print.default("HTTP Error, code= ", response$status_code, sep = "") 
5.  print("HTTP Error, code= ", response$status_code, sep = "") 
4.  send_json_request(DataGrid_UDF_endpoint, payload, debug = debug) 
3.  get_data(instruments = aSEDOL, fields = list("TR.RIC")) 
2.  check_valid_sedol(aSEDOL) 
1.  update_all(SEDOLused$SEDOL) 

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Hi all, I returned to my script the next day and ran it again and it worked. Maybe the servers were under maintenance or something.

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Hello @WestWinter,

Please be informed that Eikon API R is not officially supported by Refinitiv.

Sometimes we can answer a question, and in this case we will do so.

For a suspected issue report, it's best to discuss with the creator of Eikon API R at https://github.com/ahmedmohamedali/eikonapir

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.