I have two datasets that I want to merge, one has permid and the other permno. How can I merge these? I understand permno is a more permanent and unique identifier that permid.
You can use Open PermID APIs to retrieve more iformation about PermIDs. You can use lookup API to retrieve RIC, ticker, and exchange associated with the PermIDs. For example, this is the lookup result for 1-55838323096.
<https://permid.org/1-55838323096> a tr-fin:Quote ; tr-common:hasName "INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES ORD"^^xsd:string ; tr-common:hasPermId "55838323096"^^xsd:string ; tr-fin:hasExchangeCode "NYS"^^xsd:string ; tr-fin:hasExchangeTicker "IBM"^^xsd:string ; tr-fin:hasMic "XNYS"^^xsd:string ; tr-fin:hasRic "IBM.N"^^xsd:string ; tr-fin:isQuoteOf <https://permid.org/1-8590927768> ; tr-fin:isQuotedIn <https://permid.org/1-500110> .
From the result, the ticker and exchange code of 1-55838323096 are IBM and NYS respective.
If you can find ticker and exchange code from Permno, you can match Permno to PermID.
For more information regarding PermID APIs, please refer to PermID - Entity Search.