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How to extract Total Net Assets of a fund with Lipper Code using eikon data api

I have a lipper code : LP68514290 and trying to extract the field 'Fund TNA (Millions)'

I am not able to find the corresponding field name in Data Item Browser

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@A.Anand, Sorry, I just realized the data you are asking for is the "aggregated" portfolio level TNA not the share-class level TNA. I am afraid that, based on my understanding, this is not available in the Eikon API. However this portfolio level TNA is available in the newer RDP API, but not sure if that is helpful to your case.

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@A.Anand, It should be: TR.FundTotalNetAssets

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Hi Lee,

Had tried this field. But it doesn't give the same value as shown on eikon screen:

Value on Eikon Screen:

1600953711972.png (12.1 KiB)
1600953778502.png (8.3 KiB)
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10 |1500

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