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Excel Add In - How do I add the date as a column to a time series

I have the following formula which returns the correct closing price:

=@RDP.Data("AAPL.OQ","TR.PriceClose","Frq=D SDate=0 EDate=-9998 CH=Fd RH=IN",B2)

But the result does not include the date. And when I try to add the price close date in the formula builder, it replaces the priceclose...

Basically i just want a column with date, and a column with closing price...

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=RDP.Data("AAPL.OQ","TR.PriceClose","Frq=D SDate=0 EDate=-9998 CH=Fd RH=Date")


=RDP.Data("AAPL.OQ","TR.PriceClose.date;TR.PriceClose","Frq=D SDate=0 EDate=-9998 CH=Fd")

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@Alex Putkov.perfect.

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