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Search Instrument by ChainRIC IdentifierType is not working (DSS REST API)

Hi Community,

I'm trying to use that resource to find some RICs by chain, but I'm getting this Validation Error: The Identifier Type CHR is not supported; for this Chain 0#BONOS=BIV.

Request and Response with error message :

        path = "/Search/InstrumentSearch"
        var = {
            "SearchRequest": {
                "IdentifierType": 'ChainRIC',
                "Identifier": '0#BONOS=BIV',
                "PreferredIdentifierType": "Ric"
        x1 =, json=var)
        res = json.loads(x1.text)

{'error': {'message': 'Validation Error:\r\n\r\nThe Identifier Type CHR is not supported; supported values are: RIC, CSP, ISN, VAL, WPK, COM, SED, PID, PIDQ, SIC, ISM, LOC, AFI, SVM, MIC, LIP, TICKER, ORGID, CIN, SYM, FLI, PPN, FDV, CNC'}}

So, could you help me to understand why it's happening?

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1 Answer

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Hi @Bruno.Leal,

We can only provide technical API support on these forums. I am not sure why ChainRIC is not being accepted as valid identifier, even though it is one of the options in the documentation.

I would recommend that you open a support ticket at and ask this question to product team.

Meanwhile you can use Historical Chain Resolution to search for constituents if you want:

  "@odata.context": "$metadata#DataScope.Select.Api.Search.HistoricalChainResolutionRequest",
  "ChainRics": ["0#BONOS=BIV"],
  "Range": {
    "Start": "2021-05-10T00:00:00.000Z",
    "End": "2021-05-10T00:00:00.000Z"


  "@odata.context": "$metadata#Collection(DataScope.Select.Api.Search.HistoricalChainInstrument)",
  "value": [{
      "Identifier": "0#BONOS=BIV",
      "IdentifierType": "ChainRIC",
      "Source": "",
      "Description": "Historical Chain",
      "InstrumentType": "Unknown",
      "Status": "Valid",
      "Constituents": [{
          "Identifier": "BAFIRME12=BIV",
          "IdentifierType": "Ric",
          "Source": "",
          "Description": "Historical Instrument",
          "InstrumentType": "Unknown",
          "Status": "Valid",
          "DomainCode": "6"
        }, {
          "Identifier": "BANORTE08U=BIV",
          "IdentifierType": "Ric",
          "Source": "",
          "Description": "Historical Instrument",
          "InstrumentType": "Unknown",
          "Status": "Valid",
          "DomainCode": "6"
        }, {
          "Identifier": "BCOBX12=BIV",
          "IdentifierType": "Ric",
          "Source": "",
          "Description": "Historical Instrument",
          "InstrumentType": "Unknown",
          "Status": "Valid",
          "DomainCode": "6"
        }, {

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Thank you for the suggestion. I'll do that

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