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databuffer price double vs float vs using real no examples in c#

I'm getting totally different values in double and float fields in the databuffer

Type 8 /Real

Double: 3.6758187362220366E+228

Float: 4.28846683E-08

What I'm missing here?
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According to the double output, the data is too big for the float data type. You can refer to the C# data types for more information.

I am not sure if 3.6758187362220366E+228 is the correct data, or not.

Has the application checked IsBlank before accessing the data? If the data is blank and the application tries to decode the data, it may return invalid data.

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Thanks, it seems checking IsBlank helped

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.