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Good Morning. I would like to use the DACS Rest API to return the entitlements that are permissoned in a PermissionSet. I tried the getDacsPermissionSetEntitlements call but all it returns is whether the permissionSet exists or not. Is there a way to retrieve the specific exchanges, products, and specialists that are permed? thanks

<Envelope xmlns="">;


<getDacsPermissionSetEntitlements xmlns="">;

<!-- Optional -->

<loginAttribute xmlns="">

<!-- Optional -->




<!-- Optional -->





<!-- Optional -->

<siteName xmlns="">



<!-- Optional -->

<dacsPermissionSet xmlns="">



<!-- Optional -->

<entitlementsFilter xmlns="">







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Hello @Rob WHSS ,

Yes. Try:


_duf = client.factory.create('entitlementsFilter')
_duf.mGetAllowed = True
_duf.mGetDenied = True


_permSet = client.service.getDacsPermissionSetEntitlements(_dl, _ds, _dps, _duf, None)

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Thanks Zoya. Long time no see. I hope all is well. Do you have a minute to chat? 914-359-0098?

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