Hi all, could anyone pls send me a sample for the searchlight tool, for Funds (FundQuotes)? I´m trying to locate all ETF from (Domicile) luxembourg. Thanks.
Hi @caio.zentil
Until a content / Search API specialist responds and provides the required information, you may find the following resources useful
Building Search into your Application Workflow | Refinitiv Developers
Downloads | Refinitiv Developers - which has Postman examples including one for 'Equity Based ETF's on NYSE' which you could modify :
{ "View": "FundQuotes", "Filter": "RCSAssetCategoryLeaf eq 'Equity ETF' and ExchangeName eq 'NYSE Arca Consolidated' ", "Select": "RCSAssetCategoryName,RCSAssetCategory,RCSAssetCategoryLeaf,RCSCurrencyLeaf,RCSExchangeCountryLeaf,SearchAllCategoryv3,ExchangeCode,ExchangeCountry,ExchangeName,iNAVRIC,RIC,DocumentTitle,IssuerShortName,IssuerCommonName", "Top": 500, "Skip": 0}
Also, https://apidocs.refinitiv.com/Apps/ApiDocs - which has several examples and a Reference page to help you formulate your Searchlight sample