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Eikon Streaming Data API returning NA

I have been the Eikon's Streaming Data API for the past year and a half when it suddenly started returning <NA> for all the symbols and attributes a few days ago. The following test code exhibits the same behavior:

import eikon as ek
sp = ek.StreamingPrices(instruments = ['XOM'],
                        fields = ["CF_BID","CF_ASK",'CF_LAST', 'TRDPRC_1', 'HST_CLOSE'])

The response is:

0        XOM    <NA>    <NA>     <NA>      <NA>       <NA>

The eikon version I am using is 1.1.14

Please advise.



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Hello @matt.edwards ,

From my quick test, the same code works as expected, so the code is valid.

The issue can be local environment or user permissions.

Any changes in either of these, that you can think of?

Did you have a chance to restart everything cleanly, your machine, Refinitiv Workspace/Eikon, re-run the code? Does the issue persist?

I would try to turn on logging in code, to see if you can learn more:

import eikon as 
ek.set_app_key('<app key>')

and see what you learn of the issue.

I would verify, if you see this same content properly in Eikon/RW Excel. If you do not, I would contact Eikon support to verify your user id permissions.

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