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Access denied problem with options

One of my colleagues has a problem with retrieving data from Eikon. We use Eikon (core) only for searching options. Our company uses secure connection software, so we can’t change firewall setting or anything. We have both the same configuration and only she is not able to get data from Eikon. One day there is a problem with options on the OPRA market and the next day it works, but the EURONEXT market isn’t working for a change. Any idea where the problem might be ? She has a stable connection. We tried reinstall. Same problem in app and browser. I’m sorry if this is not the right place for this questionmicrosoftteams-image-1.png

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Hello @patrik.kotrba ,

This forum will be of most help to you with Eikon API usage question.

For Eikon support-related issues, the best approach is to submit them to Eikon support experts, online via Refinitiv Helpdesk Online -> Product-> Eikon or by dialing your local Refinitiv support line and explaining the details of the issue.

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