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Differences between v1 and v2 authentication URLs

Is there any difference between authenticating user by or URLS? So far I am able to use only first URL. Will I have the same token and permissions like I would use second URL?

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Hi @marcin.cholewka ,

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Hello @marcin.cholewka

I am checking the RDP API Playground page, the v2 is not published yet.


Please note that the v1 is the OAuth 2.0 Password Grant type.

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Thank you for your answer. Are you sure it is not published yet? I see it in that URL:

Hello @marcin.cholewka

My account can see only v1 and beta1 versions on the API Docs page. I will check with the RDP team.

From what I read in a different topic today, v2 is no released so far, so indeed, I think that better just to focus only on v1 version at this moment.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.