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Pull 'Total expense ratio' from an excel sheet with a list of ISIN codes

Hi all, im hoping you can help me.

I need help creating abit of python that will take a list of ISIN codes from an excel sheet and pull all the 'Total expense ratios' for each

Thanks in advance for the help

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Hi @peter.akester ,

You can retrieve the total expense ratios for given ISINs from Eikon API. The code below does that:

isin_list = ['GB00B5B71Q71, LU1883854199, IE0030308773']

df, err = ek.get_data(isin_list, 'TR.LipperRICCode, TR.FundName, TR.FundTERDate, TR.FundTER')

Here is the output:


You can read the isin_list directly from excel or define in the code as in the example below. If you want other fields other than total expense ratio, you may find available ones from Data Item Browser of Workspace. See below a screenshot:


Hope this is helpful, please let me know if you have any further questions

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1642069273821.png (125.1 KiB)
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Thanks, for this! Would it be possible to get the Expense ratio values monthly? @haykaz.aramyan

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