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escape character in

I am trying to look for some data on the option chain root 0#WM*.U.

I used both the query "0#WM*.U" as well as the filter "RIC eq 0#WM*.U". However this * is taken as an arbitrary character in stead of only returning "0#WM*.U" . Is there a way to only return "0#WM*.U" with * taking only the value * ?


eikon-data-apirdp search
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hi @laurens

Please use 'xeq' instead of 'eq' for the exact attribute as 'xeq' cannot be used with wild cards and is case-sensitive.

for example
    view = rdp.SearchViews.EquityQuotes,
    filter = "RIC xeq '0#WM*.U'",
    select = 'DTSubjectName, ExchangeName, RIC, RCSAssetCategoryLeaf, Currency, AssetState, UnderlyingQuoteRIC',
    top = 1000


For more detail about RDP search, you may check this article

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