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RTO one application received 20% more UpdateMsg than the other

<RTO C++> The client has 2 applications running with different machine ids, while they all subscribed to the same set of RICs.

Looks like those 2 applications not received the same number of updates, i.e., one received 20% more comparing to the other. (Detail needs to be checked still). And there's no special status message indicated.

The question is can we know if one application missed sth in such case? e.g., in log, in server log, or somewhere. Or only comparing with DSS raw report?

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Hi @Frederic

Are these two instances of the identical application or different application with code differences?

If this issue is regularly occurring and easily reproducible- are they able to run separate instances with logging enabled - to see what each instance is received. However, this will affect performance and slow down the applications during the duration of the logging.

If the difference manifests within a short period of time, would they be able to enable the logging for the short period, capture the logs and then disable it?

They can enable XMLTrace using the XmlTraceToFile, XmlTraceFileName and other parameters as described in the EMACPP_ConfigGuide supplied with RT-SDK and also mentioned in this article Enterprise Message API (EMA) - Configuration Overview | Refinitiv Developers

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Thanks, just advised the client to simplify the case and reproducible.
If both applications share the same machine id (RTO), will the '3 quote updates per second' rule applies individually or the total updates received by them all cannot exceed that limit(e.g., if 1 application gets 2 updates at a second, then the other can only get 1 update at that specific second)?
25.4k 90 13 25

Hi @Frederic

The RTO ADS they are connecting to should be sending out the same number of updates to both consumers - the limit is not across consumers

The only thing I wonder is - because they are sharing tokens, have they seen any authentication issues - where one consumer is perhaps being logged out momentarily and losing updates for a while? As we have probably discussed in your previous questions, at this point in time it is not ideal for applications to share MachineIDs - they should each be using unique machine IDs. Refintiv is working on a v2 auth system implementation that will allow sharing of tokens in the future.

Did they try the Trace - did that shed any light on the issue? Can you share the trace file?

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Agree, yes finally the client should use 1 machine id per 1 application, now pending on some 'business process' not tech.

I will ask for the chance to collect the trace, which will help on the investigation.
For now I'm thinking if this relates to the conflation. I have filed a ticket at MyRefinitiv with the application logs (just the received message the client captured for those 2 applications, not the EMA trace), and will cc you once got further clarification from server side.

Hi @Frederic

Not sure what you mean about relates to conflation?

The RTO ADS conflates the data - and at that level is unaware of MachineIDs being shared or not etc..

so all the applications should observe the same (number of UpdateMsg, given network is stable)?

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