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RTSDK 2.0.4.L1 Warm Standby Functionality


I am trying to make use of the Warm Standby feature that was recently introduced in the RTSDK 2.0.4.L1 release. I am using EMA with OmmConsumer.

However, when I try to set it up (following the example in the 400 series of examples) I get the following message returned in the logger:

"The login response doesn't support warm standby functionality"

Any idea? It is connected to 64-bit


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Hello @davinb ,

Your organization's Infrastructure (ADS) has to enable and make available Warm Standby in order for consumer to request warm standby. By default it's:

*ads*supportWarmStandby : False

if this is the case, you would not be able to request it.

I would suggest contacting your local market data admin/group to verify if the infra you connect to makes Warm Standby available.

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Great, thank you!

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