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encryption in channel dictionary


I am using channel dictionary to connect to ADS. There is a certificate location to mention in file dictionary but not sure how it is handled for channel dictionary. Can someone explain how following scenarios are handled using channel dictionary ?

  • How RT SDK uses HTTPS based encryption for authentication
  • How should consumer lib be configured to enable HTTPS authentication
  • How encryption can be enabled for the RTO channel such that market data reception is also encrypted and in that case how certificate expiry should be handled
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To connect to the encrypted ADS, please refer to the Configuring Encrypted Connections on ADS article.

To connect to RTO, you can run examples in the RTSDK packages. Please refer to the following articles:

The articles show how to run examples to connect to RTO.

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Thanks for the reply @Jirapongse,

In C++, EMA, i have to set OpenSSLCAStore value in dictionary configs. In production system, when is server certificate updated ? Is replacing certificate at consumer a manual process ? how does consumer notified to get his certificate updated (in trust stores)?

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The updated server's certificate must be in the client's trust store.

If not, the client must manually update the trust store.

Typically, the server's owner must notify clients about the updated server's certificate.

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