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Our TREP cannot connect RCC. Got Error: 0012 Unable to load openSSL Libraries.

My TREP cannot connect with RCC and got the following error about Error: 0012 Unable to load openSSL Libraries.

< Warning: Tue Mar 22 19:04:16 2022>

Mount failed (route "route_trce1", host "", port 443). Text:

<Impl/ripcsrvr.c:4659> Error: 0012 Unable to load openSSL Libraries.

We use Red Hat Enterprise Linux Version 6.3 with ADH Version trep3.3.0.L1 (ssl e5f0de7)

Is there anybody can help me on this issue ?

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Hello @nopporn.maneewong0

According to the ADH readme file, the ADH server requires Linux OpenSSL v1.0.1 or higher for the TSA feature to connect to RCC/TRCE using TLSv1.2.

Did the machine install the OpenSSL yet?

Additionally, I highly recommend the client contacts the ADH support team to verify the configuration file and machine requirements. The client can contact the team directly via website.


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It looks like ADH was unable to find the libssl and libcrypto required by ADH to create an encrypted connection to RCC.

You need to contact the ADH support team directly via MyRefinitiv to verify the version of OpenSSL required by ADH to connect to RCC.

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According to this page, you need to use RHEL 6.5 to get openssl-1.0.1e.

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