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How to get the PrimaryRIC for a large list of ISINs?

I am trying to get the PrimaryRIC for a large list of ISINs. If I do it one by one I get the correct result (see below).

What I really want is to include multiple ISINs - "Filter": " IssueISIN in ( 'US02079K1079', US0378331005, US88160R1014 etc. ) " - and only show the top results for each ISIN, not the combined.




"View": "EquityQuotes",

"Filter": "IssueISIN in ('US02079K1079')",

"Select": "RIC, PrimaryRIC, ExchangeCode, IssuerShortName",

"Top": 1




"Total": 93,

"Hits": [


"RIC": "GOOG.O",

"PrimaryRIC": "GOOGL.O",

"ExchangeCode": "NSQ",

"IssuerShortName": "Alphabet"




Hope you could help me with this.

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Hi @darryl.cantre01,

Using the endpoint:

Try something like this:

  "View": "SearchAllLight",
  "Scope": "IssueISIN",
  "Terms": "GB00BH4HKS39,US0378331005,US4592001014,US5949181045",
  "Select": "DocumentTitle,RIC"

Will give you:

  "Matches": {
    "GB00BH4HKS39": {
      "DocumentTitle": "Vodafone Group PLC, Ordinary Share, London Stock Exchange",
      "RIC": "VOD.L"
    "US0378331005": {
      "DocumentTitle": "Apple Inc, Ordinary Share, NASDAQ Global Select Consolidated",
      "RIC": "AAPL.O"
    "US4592001014": {
      "DocumentTitle": "International Business Machines Corp, Ordinary Share, NYSE Consolidated",
      "RIC": "IBM"
    "US5949181045": {
      "DocumentTitle": "Microsoft Corp, Ordinary Share, NASDAQ Global Select Consolidated",
      "RIC": "MSFT.O"
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Hi @darryl.cantre01

Do you have access to the Symbology API? If so, try the following example:

GitHub - Refinitiv-API-Samples/Example.RDPLibrary.Python.ConvertSymbology: Simple notebook to convert ISINs (or other Symbology) to RICs using the Refinitiv Data Platform Symbology API

It loads ISINs from a file and then tries to get PrimaryRIC for each, followed by non-primary for those that fail the first search.

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