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Can I get to know how to use Python API and then how to do batch downloads for company's financials?

Posting this query on behalf of client -

(email address: xxxxx )

Here's the client question:

I need to download data (balance sheet, income statement and cash flow) for many companies. I would be highly grateful if you could send me the Python codes of how to do same and how to connect using Refinitiv API for that task. Please let me know if there is another way to do this bulky download faster.

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There are a lot of examples available in CodeBook.

The client can start with EX_01_04_01__Eikon_Data_API_Get_Data.ipynb in the /__Examples__/01. Data Retrieval & Discovery/01.04. Eikon Data API/ directory that demonstrates how to use the get_data() function to retrieve Fundamental & Reference data and Real-time Snapshot data from Eikon or Refinitiv Workspace.

You can specify the list of RICs and fields in the get_data method.

df, err = ek.get_data(['GOOG.O','MSFT.O', 'FB.O'], ['TR.Revenue','TR.GrossProfit'])

You can also use the Data Item Browser (DIB) or Code Creator (CODECR) tool to search for available fields.

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Hi Raksina, I already ask the client and will keep you posted once I hear from him. thankyou!

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Client confirmed that it is for Refinitiv API.

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Any updates on this please?

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If the client has an Eikon or Workspace account, they can use Eikon Data API or CodeBook. There are a lot of Examples available in CodeBook that show how to use our APIs.

If the client doesn't have an Eikon account, it could be other products, such as Refinitiv Data Platform, or DataScope Select.

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Here's the follow-up question of the client

Can you show me a specific case where Python codes have been applied for downloading data on balance sheets for some companies without the need to do it manually?

Please advise

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Any updates on this? Please advise.

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Hi, would it be possible to contact the client directly to assist on his concern? I already advise him though to post here in Dev Forum but he still refused and wanted to be contacted..

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Please confirm the Refinitiv products or APIs that the client is using.

Python is a programming language. Several APIs, such as Eikon Data API, and Refinitiv Data Platform can use with Python.

If we don't know the product or API that the client is using, we are unable to provide a sample code.

Moreover, the client can also contact the Refinitiv account team or sales team directly for any further assistance. The account team can suggest the product or API that the client can use to retrieve the required data.

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The client is using Eikon with Codebook if you can help with a sample for that. Much appreciated

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Any updates on this please?


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