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Why does this RIC not follow RIC rules?

I just extracted all future (both active and inactive) contracts for a commodity using the "" and the following payload.

            "SearchRequest": {
                "FuturesAndOptionsType": "Futures",
                "Identifier": "KW",
                "IdentifierType": "RICRoot"}

This returns data for all future contracts for the "KW" RIC root including the RIC of the contracts. One of the RICs that came back doesn't seem to follow the RIC rules. It is "KWK24". This is the contract that expires in May 2024. Looking at the other contracts it seems that the RIC should be "KWK4" instead. Is this some sort of mistake?

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Hi there, I also found natural gas contract not following RIC rules, using NGK0^2 in get_data returns NA, while using NGK20 OK. The K20 should be expired two years ago.

86.2k 292 53 79


I found an answer mentioned in case #11104731.

Please be informed that two-digit year codes have been introduced for any contract expiring in January 2024 and beyond. So, all RICs will have one digit year code till December 2023 and will start using two-digit year code as and when contracts are listed for Jan 2024 and beyond, with an exception of Strategy/Spreads - Butterfly (BF), Condor (CF) and Inter-Commodity (SI) types.

The RIC KWK24 is the correct RIC and is in line with the above rule.

Please also refer to the DN070606.

For the question regarding COMM4^0 and COMK4^0, I have posted the question in case #11104731. The content support team will provide you with an answer. Otherwise, you can send an email to them to ask any further questions.

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Hello @mike-petrut,

This developers forum can be of most helps to you with Tick History API usage questions.

For content-centric inquiries, the best help for a customer is to engage with Refinitiv content experts directly, via Refinitiv Helpdesk Online -> Content -> RTH.

For this question, we have opened a content case #11104731 on your behalf, please expect our support expert to reach out to you via email soon.


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I found the following rule <RULES5> for future RICs.


According to this rule, <KWK4^0> is CBoT Hard Red Winter Wheat Composite Commodity Future May 2004, and <KWK24> is CBoT Hard Red Winter Wheat Composite Commodity Future May 2024.

However, the content team will contact you via case 11104731 to confirm this.

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According to this why is there a contract 'KWN2' that has an expiry date in 2022? Shouldn't this be 'KWN22' then?

There also appears to be an erroneous future listed for the "COM" ric root. There is a "COMM4^0" ric which means it's meant to have a June expiry date but it has a May expiry date. This expiry date also happens to be equal to the "COMK4^0" RIC.

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