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Values associated with FID 393 and FID 875 in RFA.LOG for a specific run

Hi ,

I was parsing through the values generated in RFA.LOG for RIC JPONMU=RR on 24th March 2022.

Specifically the following values require attention ...

Interest Rates :

FIELD_ENTRY 393: 0bfa ==> -0.006%

FIELD_ENTRY 394: 0bfa ==> -0.006%

FIELD_ENTRY 395: 0bfb ==> -0.005%

Corresponding Dates:

FIELD_ENTRY 875: 180307e6 ==> 24 Mar 2022

FIELD_ENTRY 876: 170307e6 ==> 23 Mar 2022

FIELD_ENTRY 877: 170307e6 ==> 23 Mar 2022

The above implies that the TONAR for 24 Mar 2022 was -0.006% , however the actual TONAR for 24 Mar 2022 was -0.005%. Further, the log implies that 23 Mar 2022 has two values -0.005% and -0.006% , why is this so ? The actual value for 23 Mar 2022 is -0.006%

I would appreciate if you could provide clarity on this. @umer.nalla



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Hi @rohit.gajare

The fields 393-395 represent the most recent activity fields PRIMACT_1, PRIMACT_2, PRIMACT_3, the fields 1010-1012 represent the timestamp and fields 875-877 represent the date stamp.

Looking at today's data, I can time+date stamps of
05Apr 22 : 9:02 Average -0.005
05Apr 22 : 1:51 Average -0.004
04Apr 22 : 9:02 Average -0.004

I am not a content expert so cannot say why we have a price for 9:02 and 1:51 for today's date and why you see two prices for the 23rd March. My guess would be that we are reporting the average price at two different times of the day?

For further advice and/or If you suspect the data was/is wrong you can raise a Content ticket with the helpdesk . A Content specialist can then explain why you have two average prices for the day and also confirm if the data was incorrect on the 24th / 23rd March

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