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Future Depreciation pandas : FutureWarning when using get_timeseries with normalize=True

Hi team,

When using the method get_timeseries with normalize=True, a waning is raised with the following message :

FutureWarning: Could not cast to float64, falling back to object. This behavior is deprecated. In a future version, when a dtype is passed to 'DataFrame', either all columns will be cast to that dtype, or a TypeError will be raised.

df = pd.DataFrame(dict(Date=timestamp_column, Security=symbol_column,

Do you intend to fix this for the next release ?

To reproduce the error (eikon package version 1.1.14):

import eikon as ek
import datetime

date_format = "%Y%m%d"
start_date = datetime.datetime.strptime("20220413", date_format)
end_date = datetime.datetime.strptime("20220415", date_format) 
                  ["OPEN", "CLOSE"], 
                  start_date, end_date, raw_output= False, normalize= True)

Thank you

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Hi @guillaume.lefur

Regarding the migration from the Eikon Data API to the RD Lib, the following is the most recent statement from the RD Library team:
We have started promoting the new RD Library by exposing it more via CodeBook examples, GitHub examples and the Refinitiv Dev Community. After the official release (i.e. not Beta), we will continue to promote the RD Library.

However, there is no deprecation date defined yet for the Eikon Data API. The Eikon Data API and the RDP library will continue to be supported and will be available in CodeBook and on PyPi for a while. We will continue to add new features regularly to the RD Library - which should encourage customers to migrate from the Eikon Data API. Once, a significant number of customers have migrated from EDAPI to the RD Lib and once we get enough feedback, we will define a deprecation date.

I hope that helps.

In terms of your original issue, we can report this to the Eikon Data API team.

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Hi @guillaume.lefur ,

Please use the latest version of our Python Library, the Refinitiv Data Library (RD). This is up to date and allows you access to the 'get_data' function with similar arguments as the EDAPI one, allowing for minimal code change when updating library.

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Thanks for the quick response. But since your new package is tagged as a beta, we can't afford to use it.


But does it mean that you intend to abandon the eikon package ?


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