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Unable to connect to Eikon API

Attempting to reach the Eikon API from local python app. Workspace desktop app is running.

Receiving the following error.

ERROR!!! An error occurred while requesting URL('http://localhost:9060/api/status').
     ConnectError('All connection attempts failed')
Error: no proxy address identified.
Check if Desktop is running.
Error on handshake url http://localhost:9000/api/handshake : JSONDecodeError('Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

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Hi @raksina.samasiri

I am now able to access the Eikon API after updating my Workspace desktop app.

w.r.t. to the suggestions above, I am unable to access http://localhost:9060/api/status but I can reach: http://localhost:9001/api/status with a response:


Note, I do not have the Eikon desktop on my machine. I accessing Eikon through Workspace.

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@Philip.Redford-Jones what library and version are you using pls? Also what version of httpx package are you using?

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@Philip.Redford-Jones also have a look at this thread - I hope this can help.

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Using refinitiv-dataplatform with Version: 1.0.0a15

Specifically using: refinitiv.dataplatform.eikon library.

And httpx with Version: 0.19.0

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hi @Philip.Redford-Jones ,

As mentioned in this thread, it could be the internal proxy issue, could you please try following this article to get more detail of an error? especially these steps, then please put the output here for further investigation


1651760566850.png (160.4 KiB)
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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.