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Number Of Analysts Historical Data

output-screenshot.pngI have list of CUSIPS for approx 7000 companies and I want to get the Number Of Analysts of these in a historic perspective over severalt years.I have tried different codes but I can't get the date/month/year in the output. How can I manage to do this?

Here's the code I have tried, it just gives the output of 12 in Period Month, I want to have the month and year as output.

fields = ['TR.CommonName', 'TR.NumberOfAnalysts.periodmonth', 'TR.NumberOfAnalysts']
df_eikon_timeseries = ek.get_data(cusips, fields, {'SDate':'2014-01-01','EDate':'2015-12-31','Frq':'M'})

See screenshot.

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Hi @ole.a.solberg ,

You can find the available output parameters of each field in Data Item Browser (DIB) in Eikon/workspace application

For example, below is the screenshot of the DIB app of the field TR.NumberOfAnalysts, then check the 'Output' dropdown in the 'Parameters' tab to see available parameters, I choose 'date' here.


then add 'TR.NumberOfAnalysts.date' into the field list as below

please note that ek.get_data function returns 2 outputs, which are dataframe and error message. so the syntax below assigns an output of this function to 2 variables is recommended

fields = ['TR.CommonName', 'TR.NumberOfAnalysts.date', 'TR.NumberOfAnalysts.periodmonth', 'TR.NumberOfAnalysts']
df, err = ek.get_data(['00030710','00036020'], fields, {'SDate':'2014-01-01','EDate':'2015-12-31','Frq':'M'})


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Sorry about the late reply but I haven't had the time to look at before now. Thanks for the help. This led me to the correct solution but I ended up using the parameter 'Calc Date' instead of date.

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