First, I have retrieved a list with all STOXX 600 firms with the following code:
# download data into pandas dataframe all_equity, e = ek.get_data(0#.STOXX, ['TR.ISIN','TR.CommonName','TR.ICBIndustry', 'TR.ICBSupersector', 'TR.ICBSector', 'TR.ICBSubsector'])
I need, for a research project, the market cap and stock prices of the common stock and preferred stock separately. Is it possible, to modify the STOXX 600 query, to get a RIC for the common stock and for the preferred stock?
Or is it possible to retrieve the common / primary stock market cap and stock price history for each RIC somehow? To my current knowledge, is the stock price history linked to the RIC and the market cap always retrieved as a sum of common and primary stocks. And if the RIC for the common stock is used, then the stock price for the common stock is retrieved.
Thank you for your help!