since I typed my quation 2 times already now and ur website decided to delete it, i won't be doing it again. Here is my original question:
Hi , I have a quick question about the API. I am trying to stream the quotes from multiple instruments from multiple exchanges but recieven an error. I was wondering if there is a request limit for these kinds of requests (python - refinitiv.data.open_pricing_stream(universe = allstu, fields = ['BID', 'ASK', 'ASKSIZE', 'BIDSIZE'])) in this case the list allstu includes 2308 instruments. What are the limits on these requests? Thanks for ur time!
I hope someone can help me with my question. I wont submit the code either since this developer website interpreted an uploaded python file as a hacking attempt ;-D
Thanks for your help so far!
Case : 11288431 Eikon API (Python) error - from Refinitiv [ ref:_00D30602X._5008Z1tu0E4:ref ]