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Why does Record Matching API not returning result but Search API returning result?

I searched organization "Marsta 1:198 AB" in Search API and got result. But the same on Record Matching is failing.

I have looked at this but "Marsta 1:198 AB" status is still active.

Please help

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I got the response from the product team.

Once the user provides the full organization name the Matching API should return the PermID if it exists, and here it is obviously not working as it should.

The problem with the Matching API is that it is based on a not-supported tool that we cannot really improve, and will have to be replaced sooner or later. So as for now, it won’t get better, and we do not have the timeline for when the replacement will happen, for sure not in 2022.

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Yes, you are correct. It is unable to match "Marsta 1:198 AB" but it can match "Marsta 1:198" and "Marsta 1"


I will contact the product team the verify what the problem is.

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@Jirapongse Any update on this from your product team?


Not yet. I am waiting for an update from the product team.

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