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I searched for "Darby Group PLC" in Entity Search and it returns result, I searched the same organization using Record Matching but it does not return any results. Why is it behaving like this?

I searched for "Darby Group PLC" in Entity Search and it returns result, I searched the same organization using Record Matching but it does not return any results. Why is it behaving like this?

I am attaching screenshots as proof. Can you please help me. I want to use Record Matching as it supports batch search but its not behaving as entity search. How can I solve my problem.

Record Matching Failed to return result


Got result on Entity Search


Please help.

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I assume that it is because the status of "Darby Group PLC" is inactive.


If I use "DELTAGLAS(DARBY GROUP PLC)", it can match properly.


1654488551997.png (22.2 KiB)
1654488704612.png (34.7 KiB)
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But why was "DELTAGLAS(DARBY GROUP PLC)" not returned as a match with less match score while record matching for "DARBY GROUP PLC".

Where as "DARBY GROUP PLC" is entity search actually returned both.

I have asked the same in another question as well but still didn't have any response for that. Please help. Hoping for a reply soon.

Does this mean that we can't using Reord Matching without calling Entity Search?

Please see the update on this thread.

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