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Data regarding EPS Exclude ExtraOrd Items not matching on different API endpoints.

I am retrieving data via two endpionts: GetFinancialStatementsReports_1 and GetRatiosAndStatistics_1. The data I'm interested in is Diluted EPS Exl ExtraOrd Items by quarters, fields SDBF and QEPSXCLXOR (Quartely EPS Excl ExtraOrd Items, I assume) in the API respectively. When I'm looking at the EPS for the last available quarter for the company which reports in USD, there is no error. For example, RIC IBM.N returns 0.86 for 2022-03-31 for both endpoints. However, if I take a company which reports in any other currency, the values won't match even after manual conversion. For instance, RIC CIB:
GetFinancialStatementsReports_1: Diluted EPS Exl ExtraOrd Items (SDBF) - 1800.59 (Currency COP)

GetRatiosAndStatistics_1: QEPSXCLXOR - 1.84774.

The exchange rate provided by the GetRatiosAndStatistics_1 for COP is apparently 0.00026. However, when I'm trying to convert 1800.59 * 0.00026 = 0.47 doesn't match the QEPSXCLXOR result. Could someone explain why would such a mismatch occur, please?

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Hello @d.staroverov

I highly recommend you contact the RKD support team directly to verify the data. You can contact the team via the website.


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