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Is there any way to return specific time every day? For example, I want to retrieve close price for 8 pm for GEL= with daily interval as time series. A solution for any api is welcome.

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hi @bohdan.vahalik ,

In case you'd like to get historical data, you could use Eikon Data API get_timeseries to get hourly data

df =  ek.get_timeseries(['GEL='],

then filter only the row with a time equal to 20:00 (please note that this timestamp is GMT, so it needs to be converted to the desired timezone)

import datetime
df.loc[datetime.time(20,0)] #20:00 GMT


Hope this helps

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Hi @bohdan.vahalik ,

To do this, I tend to use the Windows Scheduler to open Workspace and then run a python script:


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