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is datastreamDSWS API in eikon codebook no longer supported ?

I used to be able to use datastreamDSWS API in Eikon codebooks, but am not longer able to do so. Is this no longer supported? For eg. i get a modulenotfound error when i try the following:

import DatastreamDSWS as DSWS

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Hi @Gautam.Samarth, You can use the new DatastreamPy library, for which there is a CodeBook example on __Examples__/01. Data Retrieval & Discovery/01.02. DataStream Library/DataStream_Web_Service__Get_Data.ipynbYou will most probably not have to change your code in comparison to DSWS.

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hi @Gautam.Samarth ,

Please let me add more information regarding Datastream Python libraries below:

  • DatastreamPy is the latest Python library for Datastream Web services Python library.
  • Both DatastreamPy and DatastreamDSWS libraries are fully supported
    • DatastreamDSWS is not EOL
  • Existing clients can continue using DatastreamDSWS without any impact.
  • DatastreamPy functions are compatible with DatastreamDSWS functions, the current application does not need to change the source code (except import a new DatastreamPy library).
  • The current version of DatastreamDSWS and DatastreamPy have the same set of features, but new features will be added to the DatastreamPy library in the future.
  • The Python getting started guide on the Develop Community website will be updated.
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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.