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How to get the Case screening report via WC1 API

Hi experts,

How can I retrieve the case report information via WC1 API? Here list the columns that I want to get, but some of them i don't know how to get the information. Could you kindly tell me which API and parameter I can use?

  • Column list which needs to help for solution: World-Check Total Matches,Last Screened,Ongoing Screening,Archived,Resolved Matches,Positive,Possible,False,Unspecified,Unresolved Matches



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Hi @rebecca.hsieh, thank you for your question!

Unfortunately, we do not have a way to export the case report via the API as seen in the WebUI. The endpoint{caseSystemId} allows you to view some of the items you have listed above:

  • World-Check total matches = "watchlistTotalMatches"
  • Last screened = "lastScreenedDatesByProviderType": { "WATCHLIST":
  • Archived = "lifecycleState"
  • Unresolved matches = "watchlistUnresolved"

The following could be found using endpoint{caseSystemId}/results

  • Resolved matches = "resolution"
  • When it comes to Positive, Possible, False, or Unspecified, you would have to look at the resolution toolkit endpoint to figure out your specific code and see what has been matched as the result because we do not show the match status as seen in the WebUI. I hope that makes sense.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.



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