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How to get Amount Issued for expired Corporate Bonds

The Eikon API for getting data eikon.get_data() does not have data for expired bonds.

So I tried to use the search APIs in Eikon, namely rdp.Search and data.content.search() in order to get the Amount Issued for expired bonds. (As a side note, what is the difference between these search APIs ?)

Here is an example of expired bond for which I cannot find the amount outstanding via search:

* CUSIP = 758110AE0 (a matured bond of Adidas)

Here is a sample of the search code that would retrieve (among others) the cusip above.

import refinitiv.data as rd
from refinitiv.data.content import search
filterStr = "ParentOAPermID  eq ‘4295868725’ and RCSAssetCategoryLeaf ne ‘Commercial Paper’"
srchFields = "RIC,IssuerName,CUSIP,Country,MaturityDate,IssueDate, \
response = search.Definition(
            select= srchFields,
            filter= filterStr,
            top = GroupSize,

Here is an alternative way to search again leading to the CUSIP above. I cannot find the Amount issued (or even outstanding) for this one either.

filterStr = "ParentOAPermID  eq ‘4295868725’ and RCSAssetCategoryLeaf ne ‘Commercial Paper’"
srchFields = "RIC,IssuerName,CUSIP,Country,MaturityDate,IssueDate, \
data = rdp.search(
            top =GroupSize,
            filter= filterStr,
            select = srchFields )

So how do you get the Amount Issued for expired corporate bonds in Eikon?
Thank you very much!

eikonrefinitiv-dataplatform-eikonrdp search
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Dear @marius.popa ,

Thank you for your question. Consider using FaceOutstanding, FaceIssuedTotal and FaceIssuedUSD instead of AmtOutstanding (this doesn't seem to be a valid property). See attached a response based on your code. Is this addressing your question?


Generally, I would advice looking at this article which shows how to find property names and values easily.

As it comes to the difference between rdp.Search and data.content.search(), the latter is using our latest RD library so I would suggest sticking to that.

Hope this was helpful, please let me know should you have any further questions.

Best regards,


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Hi @marius.popa

For questions related to content and the availability of data and the properties that hold this data, I would recommend you reach out to the Refinitiv Helpdesk.

That being said, I was able to find the following:

    filter = "CUSIP eq '758110AE0' and RCSAssetCategoryLeaf ne 'Commercial Paper'",
    select ="RIC,IssuerName,CUSIP,Country,MaturityDate,IssueDate, \


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Thank you very much, Nick and Haykaz! Both answers address my question. The site only allowed me to accept one, so I added Haykaz's because it contains some clues on how to find the answer to similar questions in the future myself.

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