Comparing the Market depth feed and Intraday summaries feed, I have noticed that Intraday summaries will not report empty when the market is pulled right before the end of the interval.
For example, in the RIC ES100R7 these were the market depth feed:
ES100R7,Market Price,2017-04-11T23:09:34.885504017Z,-5,Normalized LL2,,,,0.15,899,1,,,,,,,,,,,, ES100R7,Market Price,2017-04-11T23:09:34.937508016Z,-5,Normalized LL2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
As we can see in the second line, the market was pulled.
However, in the Intraday summaries (with a sampling frequency of 5 seconds), we can see the following:
ES100R7,,Market Price,2017-04-11T23:09:30.000000000Z,-5,Intraday 5Sec,,0.05,0.15,,,10,899 ES100R7,,Market Price,2017-04-11T23:09:35.000000000Z,-5,Intraday 5Sec,,0.05,0.15,,,10,899 ES100R7,,Market Price,2017-04-11T23:09:40.000000000Z,-5,Intraday 5Sec,,0.05,0.15,,,10,899
All three samples report the values from the first row, although we can see that right before the start of the 9:35-9:40 interval, the market was pulled so I would expect something like this:
ES100R7,,Market Price,2017-04-11T23:09:30.000000000Z,-5,Intraday 5Sec,,0.05,0.15,,,10,899 ES100R7,,Market Price,2017-04-11T23:09:35.000000000Z,-5,Intraday 5Sec,,,,,,,
Can someone explain to me why it is like that? Also, is there something I could do to change that?